Wimbledon Brewery has launched Wimbledon Ale, brewed exclusively for Marks and Spencer. The beer, which is flavoured with elderflower, is designed for refreshing summer drinking.
Master brewer, Derek Prentice, who oversees the brewing operations at Wimbledon, said: “We’ve been delighted to make this beer especially for Marks and Spencer. It’s based on a golden ale, brewed with Maris Otter malt and oats, along with northern and southern hemisphere hops.
“In the late hopping stages of the brew we added whole elderflowers. This just adds very subtle elderflower notes to really round out the character of the beer.”
Michael Wallis, beer buyer at M&S, added: ‘Wimbledon Ale is one of a number of own-label cans that we have added to the M&S range this spring as we continue to look for great British beers and ciders to offer our customers.
“Brewed in SW19 … the brewery prides itself on combining the best of ingredients and craftsmanship, and this marries with what we are looking to offer our customers at M&S. Light and citrussy with elderflower aromas, we hope that this beer will be a big hit this summer.”