Doom Bar Reserve

As the weather get nippier, Sharp’s Doom Bar Reserve — coming in at a warming 6% ABV — is returning to bars until the end of the year.

The amber ale has been brewed with the finest malts and hops which provide a spicy aroma with a bready sweetness.

This is the final addition to Sharp’s limited release series of the year — the others were Fathom’s Deep (4.5%), Dawn Patrol (4%), Rye Rock (3.8%), and Two Tides (4.6%).

As with all of Sharp’s Brewery’s limited releases, 5p from every pint of Doom Bar Reserve will be donated to the Blue Flag charity which Sharp’s Brewery proudly supports. This charity helps to keep beaches in Cornwall and across the country clean and safe for all to enjoy, and in the last two years, Sharp’s has donated more than £28,000 from sales of its limited release range of beers.

James Nicholls, senior brand manager at Sharp’s, said: “With the festive period fast approaching, we’ve created this exceptional ‘reserve’ brew of our hugely popular Doom Bar, to offer our customers a special treat this winter. The beer has festive notes of dried fruit and a warming roasted bitterness, making it the perfect pint to enjoy with friends in the run-up to Christmas.

“This limited-edition brew is the final beer in the range for 2017, and rounds off another successful year of support for the Blue Flag initiative, a charity that is very close to our hearts here at Sharp’s Brewery. The coastline and our beaches are deeply important to us and we are delighted to have supported the Blue Flag initiative with our exceptional, limited release beers for the last few years.”

Ed Hughes, beer sommelier at Sharp’s Brewery, added: “This limited release has all the balance of malt and hops that Doom Bar offers, but amplified to deliver a more intense taste. With the colder weather now upon us, consumers are looking for fuller flavours and Doom Bar Reserve provides this. We’d recommend pairing this brew with a cut of rich meat, like beef or pork, which will complement the beer’s robust flavour.”