Beer infusions brand Jubel has gained its first national supermarket listing, with bottles going on the shelves of more than 600 Sainsbury’s stores.
Launched exclusively in the on-trade in the South West last summer, Jubel secured more than 300 listings in its first three months and brought the brand to London this summer through Fuller’s.
Jubel aims to deliver the refreshment of a fruit cider with the sessionability of a crisp lager. Created in Cornwall, it is brewed to be dry, and when infused results in a light-bodied and well-balanced taste, which is unpasteurised
to retain freshness.
There are two variants: Alpine, which is beer cut with peach, and Urban, which is cut with elderflower. Both beers are gluten free and vegan friendly.
Co-founders Tom Jordan and Jesse Wilson said: “We discovered a dangerously refreshing beer tradition in the Alps which swiftly became the beer style we wanted to drink that no-one brewed. We found beers too bland, but ciders too sweet, and got excited about the opportunity to pioneer a new category.
“It’s been a whirlwind since — 300 accounts in our first three months, a sell-out London launch in Selfridges, a couple of World Beer Awards and Sainsbury’s wanting to launch us nationally. It’s been a bit of a mad year!”