Muntons, one of the country’s leading maltsters, has officially launched its Premium Alcohol Free Malt Extract.

Alcohol Free Malt Extract
Photograph: Muntons

Originally revealed at this year’s SIBA BeerX Online, the alcohol-free liquid extract is now available to commercial brewers both in the UK and abroad.

The maltster has been developing the malt extract for two years, with the mindset of creating great tasting alcohol-free beer that is more accessible to all brewers.

Versatile and easy to use, the extract is designed to give body, mouthfeel, and taste. Muntons’ latest innovation allows the brewer to include alcohol-free options in their range without the need to invest in expensive equipment.  

Made by Muntons’ signature process of combining the heating and modifying of the wort sugars, the typical characteristics of beer are replicated. This then creates a malt extract with low sweetness and a mild fermentation aroma, which is an ideal versatile base that brewers can use to build on and create an alcohol-free version of their trademark brewing styles, ranging from hop-forward IPAs to a hearty stout.

No longer a niche market

Vanessa Makings, marketing manager at Muntons, said: “With a quarter of adults saying they’re semi-regular drinkers of no or low alcohol, we know that alcohol free is no longer a niche market. Consumers expect more choices, and therefore we want to remove barriers for breweries that want to add alcohol free to their range.

“Muntons Premium Alcohol Free Malt Extract makes the brewing of low- or no-alcohol beers simple and fuss-free, and we’re delighted to bring our product to fruition.”

Famous for being one of the greenest maltsters in the country, Muntons’ Premium Alcohol Free Malt Extract is made from 100% sustainable malt, sourced from farms local to its maltings in Suffolk and Bridlington.

To find out more or to request a sample of Muntons Premium Alcohol Free Malt Extract, email