South London brewery Orbit Beers have released the annual edition of their Christmas brew, Jolly Saint Nico.

Orbit Jolly Saint Nico

It’s a limited, festive edition of Orbit’s multi-award-winning flagship Lager Nico, with the addition of winter spices.

Similarly to regular Nico, Jolly Saint Nico is now gluten-free as well as being vegan-friendly.

Nico offers a delicate balance of malt and hops that is synonymous with the Kölsch style, and a soft bitterness with a crisp, thirst-quenching, dry finish.

As a lightly carbonated Kölsch-style beer that is traditionally brewed with ale yeast, the complex, fruity, malty flavours lend themselves well to the addition of well-balanced, festive spices.

Jolly Saint Nico pours pale golden with a fragrant, herbal hop aroma. It has notes of citrus, cloves, and seasonal spices. It’s light on the palate, with a touch of bready maltiness, an assertive hop character, and warming flavours of nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, and allspice.