Adnams has launched an initiative to encourage the British public to make time for another round and turn a pub trip into a memorable moment.

Adnams pub initiative

The campaign is centred around a range of beer mats, which will keep conversation flowing and encourage consumers to linger longer in pubs and enjoy another round with friends, family, and new faces.

The beer mats feature a range of Adnams beer brands on the front and colour-coded questions displayed on the reverse. Turquoise-backed beer mats are themed around ‘Play’, including games and riddles for light-hearted fun; blue-backed beer mats are themed around ‘Think’, with thought-provoking questions; and purple-backed beer mats are themed around ‘Share’, with prompts for opening up.

“Adnams has been part of the brewing and publican community for over 150 years now, and so we’re delighted to be part of a movement that will give back to our community and industry,” said Jess Turner, head of brand at Adnams.

“Hospitality has suffered so much in recent years, and we’re determined to help keep the great British pub tradition alive. A trip to the pub is so much more than just a place for a quick drink, it’s somewhere to catch up with friends and family and feel part of a community.

“We hope that our Time for Another Round initiative will help to encourage people to stay longer in pubs and enjoy a chat over a pint – it’s an old tradition but a good one and I’ll cheers to that!”

With Ghost Ship 0.5% featured on the front and a range of challenging questions on the back, such as ‘what is the only mammal that cannot jump?’, this is the mat to get the competition started in pubs this autumn.

Linger a bit longer in the pub

When customers have completed all the mats on the table, the QR code on the mats will link through to the Time for Another Round web hub where more questions and activities await. The web hub also hosts support for pub quizzes.

Maxwell Bond, Adnams’ sales director said: “We are all pub people at Adnams. We love that feeling you get when you enter a pub that’s alive with conversation and laughter. We’re proud to be part of an industry that fosters that sense of community and wanted to try and augment that experience.

“Our new activation was developed from this jumping-off point. We want to increase time spent in pubs by encouraging everyone to linger a little bit longer, so the atmosphere would build and ultimately so would the trade.”

“Sometimes the simplest mechanic can be the most effective, so we created a series of engaging beer mats, alongside an interactive web hub that offers additional support to the trade. More consumer activities are also online, for when you read all the mats at your table. It’s an ongoing activation for Adnams, so we will have lots more to talk about.”

It’s Beer Today’s 20th anniversary this month!
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