The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) has welcomed the Labour Party’s commitment to safeguarding pubs across the UK, and responded to its five-point plan.

CGA pub

This was revealed by shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves last week, and the BBPA has responded to each point in a new press statement.

The five-point plan, as outlined by Labour, is:

  • ‘Right to buy’ shuttered pubs
    Labour will give communities a ‘right to buy’ beloved community assets like pubs, giving local people the chance to take over pubs that are closing or set to be sold to the highest bidder.
  • Crack down on anti-social behaviour
    There will be more neighbourhood police, paid for by ending wasteful contracts.
  • Roll out banking hubs
    Local pubs serve customers who rely on cash, and they need reliable and accessible banking services on the high street. Labour will roll out banking hubs to guarantee face-to-face banking.
  • Replace business rates
    Under the Conservatives, pubs have been hammered with higher tax while online giants have failed to pay their fair share.Labour will replace business rates with a new system of business property taxation which rebalances the burden and levels the playing field between high streets and online giants. 
  • Cut energy bills for good
    Too many pubs called last orders due to soaring energy bills. Great British Energy will invest in clean British energy to cut bills for good and protect pubs from spiking global prices.

Rachel Reeves said the closure of pubs was symbolic of the decline under the Tories. “It’s time for change. Britain’s businesses need stability.”

The BBPA’s response addresses each point in turn.

  • Right to buy
    “We want to see a minister for pubs appointed to ensure these assets are prioritised and to lead a task force that develops a sustainable tax and regulatory framework for pubs and the brewers that support them.
  • Anti-social behaviour
    “We implore the next government to recognise beer as a low-strength beverage and the growth of no- and low-alcohol beers as an example of industry innovation for those seeking to moderate their alcohol intake. We would like to see further support for sector schemes like Best Bar None and Pubwatch, creating a self-regulatory environment and expedited digital ID verification to stamp out under-age drinking.
  • Finance
    “We want the next government to require that 100% of pub investment applications must be completed within current statutory guidelines or else automatic deemed consent is granted, and to make it easier for pubs and SMEs to access capital and enable the sustainable refinancing of any Covid debt.”
  • Business rates
    “The government must extend the retail hospitality and leisure relief for pubs until permanent reform is achieved. This relief is worth £12,000 per year to an average pub and has been a lifeline in recent years, but we need to see a more permanent solution in the form of a pub-specific multiplier.
  • Energy bills
    “The next government must support Ofgem to fully implement any outstanding recommendations from their review of the non-domestic market, including expanding access to the energy ombudsman service in the first parliamentary session, and all pub businesses should be given access to this service. Support pubs in the transition to net zero by announcing an initial £10 million ring-fenced package of support for pubs towards the upgrade of grid infrastructure/supply to install all-electric kitchens and EV charging points.
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