They may have had to postpone this year’s Little Summer Beer Bash, but Verdant are determined that a show of some kind will go on.
Recognising that some had booked travel and accommodation for the Beer Bash and are still coming to Falmouth, they have announced a Beer Trail in the town, from 17th-19th September.
Verdant have invited all of the UK-based breweries who would have been attending the Beer Bash to send over some kegs for the new event.
Beers will be pouring at five locations across town: The Working Boat, Lauter Bottleshop, Underland (The Chintz), The Front, and The Verdant Seafood Bar.
Over the weekend, the trail’s participants will also have the opportunity to meet the folks from some of the breweries on offer. They’ll be able to engage with brewers around the different beers on tap, learn about their story, and more.
You can get the latest updates about the trail on the official Facebook event page, as well as discovering the venues and breweries on the official Google Map of the trail.
Where to find the beers
- North Brewing Co: The Front and Underland
- Duration Brewing: Underland and The Working Boat
- Left Handed Giant: The Seafood Bar and The Working Boat
- Burning Sky Brewery: The Seafood Bar
- Mills Brewing: The Seafood Bar
- Black Flag Brewery: The Seafood Bar
- Deya Brewing Company: The Front and The Seafood Bar
- Beak Brewery: Underland and The Seafood Bar
- St Mars of the Desert: The Working Boat and The Seafood Bar
- Pipeline Brewing: The Seafood Bar
- Boxcar Brewery: Lauter Bottleshop and Underland
- Track Brewing Co: The Front and The Working Boat
- Pressure Drop Brewing: Underland and The Front
- Padstow Brewing Co: The Seafood Bar
- Newtown Park Brewing Co: The Front and Underland
- Howling Hops: Underland and The Working Boat
- Gipsy Hill: The Working Boat and The Front
- Wiper And True: The Working Boat and The Front
- Verdant Brewing Co: Find them in bars and pubs around town!