More details have been revealed about the Festival of Beer, to be held from 3rd-5th September, at Blackpit Brewery, Stowe, Buckinghamshire.

Festival of Beer

Breweries confirmed so far are: Bath Ales, Blackpit, Chain House, Chafor, Drop Project, Exale, Great Oakley, Harbour, Maule, Moor, Northern Monk, Pomona Island, Rivington, Squawk, Stargazy, and Wild Horse.

There’s a strong entertinament line-up, too, with Odyssey and Craig Charles headlining the music stage, and Milton Jones leading the comedy offering. Plenty of street food, too, and entertainment for kids.

“Whether it be partying and getting lost in the woods, recharging with yoga and wellbeing, or taking part in outdoor activities like fresh water swimming, the Festival of Beer is a space to play, indulge, revitalise, and make new friends, away from the outside world,” say the organisers.

• For full details, visit the festival website.