Stroud Brewery has started a pay it forward crowdfunding campaign as a reaction to the financial crisis created by the pandemic.

Stroud Brewery pre-pandemic, when visitors would flock to enjoy the beers and ambience

The brewery has been a part of Stroud for more than 200 years, and has been operating in its present incarnation for 15 years, now employing 25 full-time staff. It is a destination not only for the community, but for those from further afield.

Dedicated to brewing organic beer, and a certified B Corps business — one that prioritises people and planet as much as profit — its mission is to make outstanding organic beer without damaging the planet, bringing people together to drink good beer, share dreams and ideas, and inspire positive change.

Covid-19 has stopped hospitality in its tracks, and restrictions look set to stay for the coming months. Stroud Brewery is facing the biggest challenge it has ever faced, and without support from the community, it may have to permanently close. There is little government support for hospitality, and it is estimated that two breweries are closing a week.

Founder, Greg Pilley, said: “Since we began we’ve been trying to do the right thing as a business — our mission has always been to brew beer and demonstrate good practice — and in the last three years, especially, we have been really dedicating ourselves to becoming a wholly organic brewery.”

Great vision

The organic standards largely relate to the ingredients used in production — in Stroud Brewery’s case, the agricultural ingredients, like malts and hops — to make sure they’re not grown using pesticides or herbicides.

Greg added: “This week the government announced — in an environmentally regressive decision and in a break of a previous promise — that it will permit use of a pesticide currently banned across the EU as it is believed to kill bees and insects. In the face of pressure on health and environment, we see more and more people seeking out organic and ethically produced products.

“We have a great vision for the next 15 years as a forward-thinking green business, adapting to our shared social and environmental demands. But we need help from our supporters to make this happen, so we are launching our pay it forward crowdfund campaign to stimulate sales and support.”

The crowdfunder runs until 16th February. For further details and to pledge, click The target is £100,000 to service ongoing fixed costs — rent, insurance, etc, until April 2021.

Every person who donates will receive tickets to an exclusive Survival Supporters and Brilliant Beer Backers Party. The event will feature some of the brewery’s favourite musicians, performers, and entertainers.