Bumble Beer, a beer brand with an eco-friendly mission, has launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise £50,000 and bring its beer to market. Potential backers can register pre-launch interest now, with the campaign going fully live on March 1 for a month.
The brand’s first product is a 5% ABV premium pilsner, brewed with ingredients sourced from organic suppliers, to ensure no bee-killing pesticides have been used. The ethically conscious brand aims to have a sustainable outlook at every stage of the brewing and production process, with one example being its wildflower coasters — included alongside its beer crates — that contain approximately 30 wildflower seeds.
With 97% of Britain’s wildflower habitats destroyed since the second world war, Bumble Beer hopes to help support the world’s pollinating friends.
Jason Winter, founder of Bumble Beer said: “Having been passionate about craft beer and the environment for over a decade, I’m incredibly excited to finally get our first Bumble Beer product off the ground!
“When I stumbled upon the packaging concept I realised I could do something really innovative and positive to the environment, so I hope people see the value in what we are trying to achieve and join our beer-loving, bee-friendly revolution.”
Backers of Bumble Beer will obtain redeemable vouchers, of between £5 and £100, to use on products and perks, and have the opportunity to be a part of an eco-conscious, beer-loving community who care deeply about flavour, quality, and doing their bit for the environment. The investment will help kick-start brewing activity, accelerate brand growth, and continue the drive for eco-beer innovation.
• To find out more about the crowdfunding campaign, visit Indiegogo