The death has been announced of Allan McLean, a Scottish journalist specialising in the railway industry, but also an accomplished beer writer. He was 78.

A contemporary and friend of former foreign secretary Robin Cook, he was born in Edinburgh in 1946. The pair attended Royal High School on Calton Hill. “From the hill he could see not just Waverley Station, but the plethora of breweries which were then such a feature of that part of Edinburgh,” says The Scotsman in an obituary.
Allan was the first ever winner of the Guild of British Beer Writers’ Gold Tankard, presented to the Beer Writer of the Year. He was also the first to win it three times, in 1988, 1990, and 1992. This recognised his popular beer column in The Scotsman. He wrote books, too, on beer and railways. A keen historian, another subject was Mary, Queen of Scots.
“The board is very sad to have learned of the passing of former member, Allan McLean,” said a spokesperson for the British Guild of Beer Writers. “He is fondly remembered by many members of the Guild, and all our thoughts are with his friends and family.”