St Austell Brewery has announced a new product to quench the thirst and stifle the heat of a hot day with the perfect cool-down — beer ice lollies.

The sun might seem a distant memory, but with warmer spring climates on the horizon, St Austell Brewery’s korev lager, Proper Job IPA, and Mena Dhu stout ice lollies will be in high demand for drinkers looking for ultimate refreshment in a new format.
The beer lollies can be enjoyed frozen, or if you fancy an ice-cold pint, let it melt and enjoy from a glass.
“To keep up with demand, we needed to find an innovative way to get more of our core beers into the hands of demanding drinkers,” said a St Austell spokesperson.
“We’re at capacity with our bottling, canning, kegging, and cask racking, so this was an ingenious way for us to package up our award-winning beers in a different format.
“An ice-cold pint in the sun is a wonderful thing, but we’ve created something that can quench the deepest of thirsts with these lollies — it’s literally ice-cold beer. We’ve invested in a state-of-the-art deep-freeze carbonator, which means you can feel the fizz of the beer in each lick, too.”
The new lollies will be stocked in freezers at St Austell Brewery managed houses across the South West, and will be available in selected retailers in time for summer.