Untappd has announced the winners of its first ever Community Awards, celebrate thousands of breweries and beers rated best-in-class by 11 million users in 2023.

Untappd Community Awards

“Countless breweries globally brew amazing beer, and we recognise (and have even heard from a few brewers through the years!) that we could do a better job of highlighting the best non-IPAs and barrel-aged stouts that don’t garner the eye-popping 4.0+ average ratings,” said a spokesperson for Untappd.

“While there are plenty of awards to go around for various IPA and stout sub-styles, the Untappd Community Awards will recognise annually the very best beers in all qualifying sub-styles.”

Find out more about the awards and the criteria used in determining the winners, and view the list of winners by visiting awards.untappd.com/.