Cobnut, a 3.4% ABV light brown ale, is back as the latest release in Shepherd Neame’s seasonal Cask Club series this year.

With a pumpclip featuring a squirrel eating cobnuts, the beer is a unique blend of biscuit, toffee, and earthy flavours, with a nutty finish.
It is brewed with Kentish Target hops, followed by a generous late hopping in the brewhouse and cask with locally-grown East Kent Goldings. There’s a carefully blended mix of chocolate, amber, ale, and crystal malts.
“Cobnut showcases the talent of our brewing team, with the well-defined balance of flavours and aroma achieved using just malt and hops,” said Stewart Tricker, senior brewer and quality manager at Shepherd Neame, whose signature features on the pumpclip.
“The combination of four malts has allowed us to craft a well-rounded beer that is perfect for enjoying in a cosy pub throughout February and March.
“No nuts were harmed in the brewing of this beer! We hope all cask ale fans will enjoy discovering the delightful depths of our latest offering.”