Sharp’s Brewery is rolling out Doom Bar in keg format to make the UK’s best-selling amber ale accessible to more on-trade outlets.

Doom Bar Keg

The new keg format will widen Doom Bar’s appeal while protecting the quality of the original cask Doom Bar, says Sharp’s. The keg version has a longer shelf life and is suited to premises which don’t have cask ale trade.

The Sharp’s team has also developed a ‘nucleated’ Doom Bar glass, which helps to create a steady stream of carbonation and maintain the head of the pint.

“As the UK’s number one cask ale, we want to ensure all ale drinkers have the opportunity to enjoy a quality pint of Doom Bar in even more outlets,” said James Nicholls, marketing controller at Sharp’s Brewery.

“Doom Bar keg ale offers a premium product, with the benefits of maintaining quality over a longer period of time and easy handling for operators.

“Our whole team is deeply committed to continuing to drive the future of Doom Bar in every way, diversifying our packaging format to respond to changing consumer preferences whilst supporting and enhancing the quality of Doom Bar in cask.”