Nearly two-thirds of over-50s said they would like a job that fits around their life, according to a survey from Fuller’s and digital community Rest Less.

Tracy Allen
Tracy Allen, part of the team at The Bay Tree, Burford

Rest Less, an advocate for the over-50s, surveyed 1,000 of its job-seeking members on behalf of Fuller’s, to ask about their attitudes to work.

When questioned on their top priority when looking for a job, 62% said they wanted a role that fitted around their life. Thirty-four per cent cited earning enough money to pay the bills, while just 4% said their priority was to progress their career.

Respondents were questioned about how work needed to fit around their life. One in five said they needed to balance work with caring responsibilities. One in five said they needed to balance work with their own health conditions, and 13% said they had children or grandchildren to look after.

When given the opportunity to provide more detail, many respondents added that they wanted to balance work with enjoying their free time to pursue personal interests.

“People aged 50-plus are a really important talent pool for Fuller’s,” said Dawn Browne, the pub company’s people and talent director.

“At Fuller’s, we find that our older employees bring valuable skills, wisdom, and insight to the table, thanks to their years of experience both inside and out of work. Their softer skills, typically honed through years of practice, make them excellent candidates for customer service roles, the lifeblood of the hospitality sector.

“Our report with Rest Less shows us that flexible work practices are of the utmost importance to this demographic.  Fuller’s is a family business and we understand just how difficult it is for our older workforce to juggle health, family, or caring responsibilities alongside a job. That’s why we’re hoping our flexible shift lengths and work patterns give all of our team members the flexibility they need to live their lives alongside earning an income.”

To apply for a job with Fuller’s, click here.

Case study

Tracy Allen is a 52-year-old grandmother and has worked in hospitality since 2010. Prior to that, she worked in marketing, before being made redundant in 2008. She took a job in hospitality to meet people, and has never left. Tracy joined the team at The Bay Tree, Burford, two years ago, attracted by an advert that offered a Monday to Friday shift from 7am to 3pm.

Tracy has two children and five grandchildren. Her daughter and three of her grandchildren live just a couple of miles away, and the 3pm finish on her daily shift gives her the flexibility she needs to be a hands-on Granny.

“It’s great,” said Tracy. “I can easily go and pick the kids up from school in bad weather, and I can be on hand to help out if my daughter needs it.”

Tracy also brings additional skills to the team at The Bay Tree. “I can relate to families and small children, and when I’m dealing with a busy breakfast shift, that can be really helpful. I understand the importance of ketchup and the short attention span of a three-year-old!”

While the job gives Tracy flexibility within the working environment, her grandkids give her the lift you need after a tough shift. “It’s great,” she said. “If I’ve had a rough day dealing with some difficult customers, my grandchildren really cheer me up. This position really does provide the perfect balance. I need to work, but I need to be there for my family, too. And my job at The Bay Tree allows me to do exactly that!”