The average price of a pint of beer has risen by 50p in just over a year, according to new figures from the Office for National Statistics.

pub pint

Over the 12 months the average price of a pint of bitter has risen from £3.50 to £3.80. The average price of a pint of lager has leapt by 11% over the year, and if that trend continues it could pass the £5 mark next year.

“It is clear just how much households will struggle to afford a night out at their local pub, social club, or taproom,” said Nik Antona, national chair of the Campaign for Real Ale.

“With energy bills for businesses spiralling and the cost of goods and employing staff rocketing too, pubs — and the breweries that service them — have no choice but to put prices up to make ends meet, despite doing everything they can to continue to welcome their loyal customers.”