Tickets for Indy Man Beer Con (the Independent Manchester Beer Convention), are set to go on sale from 9am tomorrow morning (18th May).

Indy Man Beer Con

There will also be exclusive pre-sale events this evening, at Port Street Beer House and The Beagle, in Manchester, from 6pm.

IMBC 2023 will be held from 5th-8th October at the salubrious Victoria Baths in Manchester. Breweries and beers will be confirmed closer to the festival date.

Some breweries will be around for the entire weekend, and others will only be there for either the first half of the festival (Thursday/Friday) or the second half (Saturday/Sunday). “We do this both to give the many people who attend multiple sessions some variety, and also to allow as broad of a range of breweries to pour as possible,” say the organisers.

They add: “We are as committed as ever to ensuring that the festival remains sustainable in every sense of the word. In that light, we’re working with a handful of international breweries to have their beers transported to the festival in a way that uses the most carbon efficient modes of freight.

“This will be a similar number to the amount we had in 2022. These will supplement the best independent breweries currently operating across the UK as selected by our beer team, of whose beers the festival was set up to celebrate and advance.”

Find out more here.