More details have been revealed about the launch event for this year’s Norwich City of Ale, which will run from 25th May until 25th June.

Norwich City of Ale 2023

This year, some 50 pubs and more than 30 breweries will be involved. Seven ale trails will take drinkers through the city’s winding lanes, into the market place, alongside the river, past historic buildings, and into the most fantastic pubs.

In these venues you will receive a warm welcome and the opportunity to taste beers from the region’s brewers, mostly made using the famous locally-grown and malted barley.

More news will follow about the Beer City Twinning — initiated by beer writer Roger Protz — between the great beer cities of Leuven and Norwich.

The City of Ale launch party will get under way at The Adrian Flux Waterfront at 5.30pm on Thursday, 25th May. Find out more and get tickets here.