The annual Norwich Beer Festival gets under way tomorrow, with advance tickets still available for most sessions (although you can still pay cash at the door).
The event will open at 4pm for a preview for CAMRA members, with the public allowed in from 5pm. Lunchtime sessions for the rest of the week are 11.30am until 3pm, and evening sessions start at 5pm, with all-day opening on Saturday until 9pm.
The popular World Beer Bar returns to the marquee, with an eclectic mix of overseas treasures, including Trappist and fruit beers. Bar manager Cheryl Cade has organised an Oktoberfest event on Tuesday evening and Wednesday.
In St Andrew’s there will be a dedicated cider and perry bar, with more than 60 local varieties, alongside the occasional wine and mead. Soft drinks and water are available on request at most bars, along with alcohol-free and low-alcohol options, and ‘free from’ and vegan brews.
Festival organiser, Craig Harmer, said: “We have a swift entry system, with cash or card payment, so you shouldn’t be waiting long before you taste your first drink, and the pre-opening queue soon disappears. If you’re feeling generous, don’t forget to donate any remaining unstamped vouchers to the festival charity. We offer our programmes for free in the hope visitors will donate to the charity.” This year’s charity is Nelson’s Journey.
The organisers have also announced two tutored tastings sessions. On Tuesday, at noon, Cheryl Cade will be leading a beer and cheese tasting. On Thursday, Cheryl will lead a session on how to judge beer like a professional.
To read more about the festival, search for Norwich Beer Festival on this site. The official festival site is here.