The Norwich Beer Festival, organised by the city’s branch of CAMRA, will return from 24th to 29th October, with some changes.
This year, Blackfriars and St Andrew’s Hall will see an even distribution of national and local ales, and, for the first time, Blackfriars will host a selection of bands and music. In previous years, Blackfriars played host to only local ales.
This announcement comes hot on the heels of the launch of the Norwich Pub Festival, also organised by Norwich and District CAMRA, which runs until 29th August. With more than 80 pubs available to visit, drinkers can collect up to eight coloured wristbands, plus an optional cider trail wristband.
Those who complete all trails will be awarded a special prize (details on the stamp sheet) at Norwich Beer Festival. Details can be found by picking up a festival guide in any participating pub. Click here for details of coach trips.
Once the pub festival finishes, all eyes will be set to the October beer festival. This will include a dedicated cider and perry bar, plus the Curiosity Bar and World Beer Bar.
Every day, including Saturday, visitors can pay on the door. For those who like to secure advance tickets, they will be on sale in August. As always, there will be a limited number of collectble festival glasses with the new logo.
This year’s charity is Nelsons Journey, celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. The organisation works hard to bring back the smiles of young people and children who have experienced the death of a significant person in their lives.