After 30 years brewing award-winning beer in the heart of Yorkshire, Rudgate Brewery has created its first lager.

Drawing inspiration from classic European pilsners and using yeast from Berlin, Pilsnor (4.7% ABV) is crisp and clean tasting.
It was created by the Rudgate Brewery team, who were helped by Carl Heron, an experienced master brewer who acts as a freelance consultant.
The idea for the pilsner came from Rudgate managing director, Craig Lee. He said: “For several years we have been aware of a gap in our portfolio for a lager, and decided to go with a traditional style as our first offering as it most suited our brewery and what we are all about.
“As we are primarily an ale brewer our knowledge of lager brewing is limited, so we brought in Carl who has been a friend of the brewery for several years, to assist us in this new venture.”
Carl added: “The brew sits between a clean, crisp, harsher German pilsner and the full-bodied flavour and structure of a Czech pilsner, without the bitterness.”