Norfolk brewer David Holliday is starting his charity beer push today, raising awareness and funds for local cancer charity It’s On the Ball.

David Holliday beer push

David (pictured) is pushing a 75kg cask from Norfolk Brewhouse to the testicular cancer treatment unit at St Bart’s Hospital, London. He’ll then carry on to the Houses of Parliament. This should take nine days.

“The aim is simple — to make young men aware of testicular cancer,” says David. “No man need die of this cancer, but sadly they do simply because they just don’t know about it.

“The simple act of sharing my challenge on your social media could be enough to save a life.”

You can make your own post wishing David luck, or retweet/share a #beerpush post by @itsontheball or @moongazerale. The following hastags are being used: #beerpush #testicularcancer #testicularcancerawareness  #checkforfred

David adds: “I don’t like to ask, and if you can’t help by sharing then that’s fine. But,please, do one thing for yourself — ask a young man you know if they are aware of testicular cancer and know how to check themselves. If they don’t, you may well have just saved their life. Simple as that.”

You can donate online here.