Carbon dioxide (CO2) shortages could be an extra worry for small independent brewers who have switched to bottled and canned beer during the pandemic.

James Calder SIBA
SIBA chief executive, James Calder. Photograph: SIBA

That’s the view of the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA). Chief executive, James Calder, said: “The vast majority of small breweries produce fresh cask beer, and for those brewers this latest shortage of CO2 won’t have an immediate impact.

“But for the increasing number making keg, bottled, or canned beer, it will come as an additional worry.”

He added: “Two-thirds of the beer that small independent brewers produce is sold as cask beer, which has a naturally occurring carbonation and does not rely on added CO2. But as more and more brewers have shifted production to bottled and canned beer to capitalise on drink-at-home sales during covid, the impact could be greater than in the past. 

“The shortage comes as an additional and unwelcome challenge for small brewers trying to recover from the impacts of the covid-19 pandemic.”