Sharp’s Brewery launches its latest pilot plant brew today. Drop Tide is a 3.4% ABV pale ale, available in mini-kegs now.

Sharp's Drop Tide
Sharp’s technical brewer, David Barr, enjoying some Drop Tide. Photograph: Sharp’s Brewery

The name is inspired by the sea during periods of its lowest tide, revealing large open stretches of sand and some truly unique surf breaks. It also gives a nod to the slightly lower alcohol content and nature of the beer.

Two casks were made especially for Sharp’s customer The Waterfront, in Polzeath, not far from the brewery’s base in Rock. It’s the most perfect setting to enjoy the beer at low tide overlooking the expanse of stunning beach. The rest of the limited-edition product is available from Sharp’s directly.

Drop Tide is very pale and light in colour, with a lower alcohol content and very low bitterness. During the brewing process, the team utilised Lemon Drop and Mandarina Bavaria hops, orange peel, and German Kolsch yeast. The latter captures additional natural CO2 from fermentation, which has added effervescence and high carbonation. The Kolsch yeast also explains its crisp and smooth mouthfeel.

Sharp’s head brewer, Aaron McClure, said: “We are so pleased with Drop Tide. It is a really delicious and enjoyable brew. The original vision and plan for this beer was to create something light, easily drinkable, and highly refreshing, and we have definitely stayed true to this vision.

“We hope many get the chance to enjoy a pint of Drop Tide this summer whilst kicking back overlooking a beach somewhere — this is how we recommend it to be best enjoyed!”