Crisp has released limited edition Haná Vienna Malt to its Small Batch brewer members.

Westerham Vienna

Haná barley has been expertly malted, and carefully kilned to a colour of 8.1 on the European Beer Convention scale. It brings aromas of sweet, malty bread to the final beer, with a very smooth finish.

Westerham Brewery came forward with the idea of producing a Vienna malt with a heritage variety, after being inspired by the book Vienna Lager, by Andreas Krennmair. The malt was originally grown in the 19th century.

They have already got their hands on some of this malt and made a Vienna Lager called, wait for it, It Means Nothing To Me. The malt is balanced with Zatec hops to create a tribute to the City of Spies, Vienna.

Visit the Crisp Malt website.