On 8th March, the Women On Tap team released early artwork for their 2021 festival in the hope enough financial support would follow to help fund the fifth year. The team called out for 20 sponsors at £300 to raise enough to deliver an outline plan. So far, 16 have confirmed support.

Women on Tap
Artwork: Hannah Lyons

The aim is that the 2021 Women On Tap Festival will be a showcase of women in beer and art comprising interactive online experiences, specially commissioned digital content, and carefully curated live events. It is scheduled to take place a little later than usual, in early June.

The team will be making further announcements this week, but are still hoping they can hit their target of 20 sponsors.

Event founder, Rachel Auty, said: “We’ve been blown away by the offers of support in such difficult times. Being honest, we didn’t know if WOT had a future at all.

“Last yearm we lost all main funding and went ahead with the event on practically zero budget. It felt important to do so. This year we want to make sure we can fund the event properly and pay people for their time.

“It’s a vital strategy to make sure Women On Tap CIC is a sustainable company so we can deliver on our equality purpose. Thank you to everyone who has pledged support so far — we hope to make you proud to be a part of it!”

• If you can help the social enterprise to its target of 20 sponsors, email rachel@womenontap.co.uk