The Ale in Kaleigh: Kaleigh Watterson is a professional journalist who also blogs about beer and pubs in the Manchester area. Available for freelance commissions, she also has an interest in travel. thealeinkaleigh.wordpress.com/
Bailey’s Beer Blog: The blog of long-standing CAMRA member and former off-licence owner and home brewer Paul Bailey. baileysbeerblog.blogspot.co.uk/
Beer Et Seq: The blog of Canadian Gary Gillman, who specialises in sociological and historical aspects of beers, as well as other drinks and food. beeretseq.com/
Beer Nerdery: A blog by a certified cicerone, educator, and learning technologist Lou Stringer, based in the York area. beernerdery.com/
Beer Viking: Freelance journalist whose hobbies are beer and Viking age re-enactment. blog.beerviking.net/
Beers Manchester: A Manchester-based beer blogger in a “fightback against mediocre beer”. beersmanchester.wordpress.com/
Beers, Steam, and Nationals: Beer and beer festival reports, as well as railway heritage and vintage buses. beersandtrains.blogspot.com/
Boak and Bailey: Ray and Jess, probably Britain’s most prolific beer and pub bloggers, now with two very well received books to their name: Brew Britannia and 20th Century Pub. With an interest in beer tasting, history and travel, their writing is always considered, but never dull, rolling along at a great pace. boakandbailey.com/
Boozy Beer Blog: Short, pithy beer reviews from Chris Mullis, with a leaning towards West Country ales. boozybeerblog.co.uk/
Brewing Browser: Scientist and writer Edgar Huitema about brewing beer and some of its underlying scientific principles. brewingbrowser.com/
Brewpedia: A passionate group of beer enthusiasts, united to share a love for the art of brewing. The journey began with a simple idea: to create a hub that demystifies the world of home brewing, making it accessible and enjoyable for everyone. brewpedia.co.uk/
The Crafty Beeress: Chatty, entertaining beer reviews from a London-based girl about town. www.craftybeeress.com/
Ed’s Beer Site: “A site where a man with far too much interest in beer gets to write about it.” edsbeer.blogspot.co.uk/
The Fatal Glass of Beer: Beer and travel covered in extensive essays by Joe Tindall, well illustrated, with plenty of interesting detail. thefatalglassofbeer.blogspot.co.uk/
A Good Beer Blog: The blog of Canada beer historian Alan McLeod. abetterbeerblog427.com/
Hardknott Dave’s Beer and Blog Stuff: The musings of Hardnott Brewery’s Dave Bailey. hardknott.blogspot.co.uk/
Have I Got Brews for You: London-based blogger Kat Sewell chronicles her home brew career. Recipes and plenty of details on the methods. haveigotbrewsforyou.wordpress.com/
Home Brew Answers: A Cornwall-based home brewer, Neil McDonald, offers home brew advice. homebrewanswers.com/
Look at Brew: Blogging style and substance by Sussex-based Rach Smith. https://lookatbrew.wordpress.com/
Matching Food and Wine: Fiona Beckett’s world of wine and food matching occasionally features beers, too. www.matchingfoodandwine.com
Meet and Drink: A freelance writer and journalist, Alastair Gilmour focuses on the North East beer and pub scene, editing Cheers, a pubs and drinks magazine. A new project for December 2017 is the website Meet and Drink, which Alastair describes as “a digital business card”, to illustrate the range and style of his work as well as the breadth and variety of subject matter. www.meet-and-drink.co.uk/
Micropub Adventures: A fairly new blog by Scott Spencer chronicling visits to micropubs, pubs, and breweries. micropubadventures.wordpress.com/
The Pub Curmudgeon: AKA Peter, AKA Old Mudgie. He says his blog is not a beer blog. “It’s a view of life from the saloon bar, not entirely about the saloon bar — which of course is a metaphorical place as well as a physical one. It is as much about political correctness and the erosion of lifestyle freedom as it is about pubs and beer. And, while I enjoy cask beer, I don’t assume that it is the only alcoholic beverage worth consuming.”
Quare Swally: Roy, from Northern Ireland’s, blog and reviews of beers locally and from around the world. “Remember the rule when choosing your beer — thon should be a quare swally.” quareswally.wordpress.com/
The Snap and the Hiss: Beer and food travels around the North of England, and occasionally further afield. thesnapandthehiss.blogspot.co.uk/
Stonch’s Beer Blog: A publican and former lawyer who began blogging in 2007. stonch.blogspot.co.uk/
Why So Beerious? Conceived as a lockdown project, the duo behind the site taste new beers, rave about favourite beers, and explore the brewing process. whysobeerious.com
The Wicking Man: Walking to the pub with a pint of Bass in mind. thewickingman.wordpress.com/
Will Hawkes: A drink, food, and travel writer, contributing to The Guardian, Financial Times, Washington Post, Imbibe, and Good Food Australia. willhawkes.contently.com