ESB (5.9% ABV, bottle)
Long time since I’ve had this, one of my all-time favourites. Deep, clear amber with a slightly off-white head, it’s a shame it’s not draught, but needs must. I think the last draught pint I had was either in The Front, Falmouth, or at the Mad Bishop and Bear, Fuller’s excellent pub/bar at Paddington station. Even so, the bottle is damned good. Excellent malt, bready, good cereal notes, a perfect body. The hops are light citrus, particularly orange, with a hint of red apple and some light berry. The balance is superb. There’s lovely bitterness on the finish leaving you wanting more, more, more. I only bought one bottle. Bugger.
(2nd June, 2020)

Vintage Ale 2021 (8.5% ABV, bottle)
A thing of beauty and a joy forever. A terrific beer that warms the cockles on a chilly autumnal eve. A bold red/mahogany colour, it has an off-white head that stays and laces well. Oh my, so much going on here. The aroma is wholemeal, grainy bread, with caramel and preserved dried fruit. On the palate, there’s a toffee apple sweetness to the deep malt, with Double Roasted Caramalt making its presence felt. To Fuller’s credit, there are great young English hops in there, Endeavour and Olicana, contributing to a bright citrus note that compliments orange marmalade. There’s a nice edge of dryness on the finish. I’ve drunk one, I have another to age.
(26th October, 2021)

Vintage Ale 2022 (8.5% ABV, bottle)
A rich red colour with a beige head that stays fairly well. Red apple and rich, bready, toffee malt on the nose, with a very gentle hint of smokiness. On the palate, it’s the rich, complex treat you expect. Toffee and dried fruit offer sweetness and there are marmalade orange notes, plus some cherry, with a good dry finish. Everything works so well. An excellent treat!
(21st December, 2022)
Vintage Ale 2023 (8.5% ABV, bottle)
A beautiful rich mahogany colour with a creamy off-white head that stays well. The aroma is rich dried and berry fruit, and luscious caramel. It looks fabulously inviting in the glass, and on the palate it’s the classic it perennially is. On the palate it’s rich caramel and dried fruit, with an edge of marmalade. Fabulous as ever.
(1st April, 2024)
Fuller’s Brewery | Chiswick, London