Cold Town Beer

Chocolate Cake Stout (4.8% ABV, can)
Here’s one of those beer that does exactly what it says on the can. Chocolate cake in a glass, in this case very much like the booze-soaked cake you might encounter in a Black Forest gateau (remember them?). Lactose gives a milkshake note and oats and wheat add smoothness and aid the retention of a lovely tan-coloured head. While you can get chocolate notes from the malt, an addition of cacao has helped here. Enjoyed this, but couldn’t drink too much of the sweet treat!
Buy it: I was sent mine by the brewery. It’s available on the brewery website.
(4th May, 2021)

Cold Town Stout

Cold Sour Beer, Raspberry Berliner Weisse (4.3% ABV, can)
Pinkish, like a rosé wine, the aroma is quite winey, too. I definitely get the fruit! Raspberry and, perhaps, a hint of watermelon. I’m not the world’s great sour fan, but I appreciate its quality and refreshing zing. My 22-year-old son was more keen!
(10th May, 2021)

Cold Sour Beer

Cold Tier Bier (5.2% ABV, can)
With a name like that, this is a beer of our covid times. Clear, bright golden, it has a white head that stays well. Not too much aroma, but what there is is grassy and spicy. On the palate, bready malt balances with orange and earthy notes, hints of lemon pith. With a good body, this pale is easy drinking and nicely sessionable.
Buy it: I was sent mine by the brewery. It’s available on the brewery website.
(28th April, 2021)

Cold Tier Bier

New England IPA (5.5% ABV)
Hazy gold with a white head that dissipates quite quickly, I found this quite thin for a NEIPA. There’s an orange flavour with a hint of resinous hop. Notes of honey sweetness balance. The aroma is piney, slightly fruity. It’s okay, but I’m not in love, as 10cc said.
Buy it: I was sent mine by the brewery. It’s available on the brewery website.
(23rd April, 2021)

Cold Town NEIPA

Pornstar Martini Ale (4.6% ABV, can)
Gimmicky beers are generally not for me, but tip of the hat to Cold Town for this one. It does what it says on the tin. Passionfruit and vanilla make their presence known without spoiling a decent pale ale base. It’s a crisp golden colour with a white head that laces nicely. Plenty of passionfruit on the nose.
Buy it: I was sent mine by the brewery. It’s available on the brewery website.
(11th August, 2021)

Cold Star Pornstar Martini

Cold Town Beer | Edinburgh