Brew York

Empress Tonkoko (10.6% ABV, can)
Pours jet black with a short-lived, caramel coloured head. In full, it is a tonka bean, vanilla, coconut, and cacoa imperial milk stout. There’s a fascinating nutty, woody aroma, with notes of vanilla and coconut. To say it’s robust on the palate is an understatement! Rich, quite sweet, certainly boozy, and very satisfying for this stout lover. All the notes in that long descriptor present and correct. A lovely alcoholic warmth comes through, with spiciness, and even a tobacco note. Nothing overpowering, though. A beautiful dark treat!
(1st March 2023)

Empress Tonkoko 2023, Heaven Hill barrel-aged tonka bean, vanilla, coconut, and cacoa imperial milk stout (10.6% ABV, can)
Black as night, with a head that disappears fairly quickly, there’s a rich, deep aroma, with that Heaven Hill bourbon unmistakably present, along with woody, leathery notes. On the palate, it’s warming, sweet, and spirity. And so smooth! Lactose and vanilla notes add sweetness. It’s hugely enjoyable, and not to be hurried!
(9th May, 2023)

Brew York BA Empress Tonkoko Heaven Hill

Empress Tonkoko 2023, Platinum Rum barrel-aged tonka bean, vanilla, coconut, cacoa, imperial milk stout (10.6% ABV, can)
Very dark, with a caramel coloured head that lingers longer than the standard Empress Tonkoko (above). It’s been aged in a rum barrel and that really comes through on the aroma. Coconut puches its way through, too. It drinks very smooth, coconut and vanilla present, but not overpowering, with some bitter dark chocolate. The rum barrel-ageing has really rounded the beer out. It’s absolutely delightful, if dangerous!
(2nd March, 2023)

Empress Tonkoko Plantation Rum

Fairytale of Brew York 2020 (4.9% ABV, can)
This is a delightfully complex beer. Unusual — in a good way. Dark as night, with a tan head that stays well, tha aroma is mainly peanut — peanut butter — with a hint of milk chocolate and vanilla. There is an element of bitterness on the palate, but it’s mostly about the nutty sweetness. There’s a maple syrup note, too. I like this. On paper, a peanut, pecan, maple and vanilla milk stout sounds outrageous, but, as with most Brew York beers, it’s all beautifully done.
(21st November, 2020)

Brew York | York