Yorkshire Heart Brewery

1K IPA (6% ABV, can)
Hazy gold with a good white head, this has a big aroma of lemon and grapefruit that bursts out as the can is opened. It’s smooth and beautifully fruity on the palate, but with decent malt balance and a good body. Bold citrus fruit flavours, with Nelson Sauvin hops offering a white grape edge. A lovely drop!
Buy it: I was sent mine by a friend, but the beer is available on the brewery website.
(23rd June, 2021)

Yorkshire Heart 1K IPA

Bitter Sweet Symphony (6.2% ABV, can)
Black as yer proverbial hat, with a big foaming beige head, this is unmistakeably a chocolate and vanilla stout from the monent the can pops and the aroma drifts up. Extremely smooth and full bodied, this is a joy. Chocolate and vanilla all the way on the palate, with a decent bitterness. Hints of coffee, too, and some treacle toffee.
Buy it: I was sent mine by a friend, but the beer is available on the brewery website.
(7th August, 2021)

Yorkshire Heart Bittersweet

Blonde (3.9% ABV, bottle)
Crystal clear deep gold, with a white head, this is really inviting, with a fresh lemon citrus and light bready malt aroma. This is a lovely golden bitter. Very crisp, with a nice zesty punch of lemon citrus, good bitter bite, and a light malt balance, with a slightly herbal edge. A little beauty!
(15th June, 2021)

Yorkshire Heart Blonde

Ghost Porter (5.4%, bottle)
Beautiful dark ruby red with a creamy beige head, this has rich roast malt and hedgerow fruits on the nose. Smooth and rich β€” quite creamy in texture β€” it slips down beautifully. It’s not too sweet at all, but there#s lovely malt in there. Blackberry and black cherry notes lighten the darkness and there’s a gentle bitterness. Good porter. Very moreish!
(11th July, 2021)

Yorkshire Heart Ghost Porter

Hearty Bitter (3.7% ABV, bottle)
A clear, polished, amber/chestnut bitter with a nice cream coloured head. On the nose, it’s all about bready malt and caramel. On the palate, it’s a proper old fashioned bitter, with bready malt, some chocolate notes, toffee sweetness, and a good bitter finish. Refreshing and moresh, this is the sort of beer to lubricate conversation.
(16th June, 2021)

Yokshire Heart Hearty Bitter

Quaffer (3.6% ABV, bottle)
This was really enjoyable on a warm summer lunchtime. Golden, with a white head that disippates quite quickly, it’s an aptly named beer β€” well balanced and refreshing. Light citrus, sllightly spicy hopes notes balance with a good biscuit malt character.
(13th June, 2021)

Yorkshire Heart Quaffer

Yorkshire Heart Brewery | York