Siren Craft Brew has launched a special new blend of its anniversary barley wine, Maiden, with a limited amount of wax-dipped bottles available.

Siren Craft Brew Maiden 2016Maiden was the first beer ever brewed at Siren and is the first new batch brewed each year. The American-style barley wine is aged in a variety of spirit and wine barrels, before being blended back together, with a percentage of fresh beer, to create that year’s vintage.

The barrels that have been used are left with 10% aged beer in them before being topped up with fresh Maiden, in what is a form of the solera system. This ensures a constant evolution of complex flavour.

Siren Craft Brew founder, Darron Anley, said: “Maiden encompasses everything we’re about as a brewery: experimentation, adventure, fun — and a constant desire to create amazing beer…

“Maiden releases are always regarded for their depth of flavour and complexity of barrel notes. This year’s beer pours a deep ruby colour and has a vinous aroma, with hints of caramel and liquorice. It’s a rich experience when drinking, with toffee, fig roll sweetness, red berries and a well-rounded oak character bringing everything together.”